COPA - 1080x1920 IGstory 10 Sec
the 'X' - 1080x1920 IGstory 10 Sec
NEMEZIZ- 1080x1920 IGstory 10 Sec
PREDATOR - 1080x1920 IGstory 10 Sec
The Hardwired Campaign was shot and directed by Nicos Livesey and Blinkink Agency (2019)
From the Master Campaign footage I recreated several shorter versions for Social Media use with keeping the directors vision in mind. I created a Ticket Raffle Version with Mo Sallah and a Fase Two extended version due to the campaigns succes with unused footage, called the Shadow Cut's. I had to recreate animated titles and motion design in After Effects for Transcreation for 11 Western European markets and I designed alternative CTA's.
#DareToCreate with adidas' all new Hard Wired Football Pack The Predator, Nemeziz, X and COPA